Articles Posted in sexual harassment attorneys


NFL Players Suing United Airlines Highlight Issue of Anonymity for Victims of Sexual Harassment

Workplace sexual harassment and assault have always been unfortunately common occurrences, and with the momentum of the #MeToo movement, these unlawful incidents are coming to light much more frequently. The repercussions for perpetrators is becoming more severe, but what about the unintended repercussions for the victims who come forward seeking…


Court Affirms Jury Verdict Against Costco for Customer Sexual Harassment Toward Employee

A federal Court of Appeals has affirmed a jury verdict in favor of a former Costco employee in connection with her claim of a hostile work environment based upon sexual harassment by a customer.  This case reaffirms that an employer can be held legally responsible for allowing a hostile work environment…


New Jersey Employee Found Eligible for Unemployment Benefits After Voluntarily Leaving Work Because of Continuous Harassment

A recent New Jersey Appellate Court has confirmed that an employee has good cause to leave her job and be eligible for unemployment benefits if the reason for quitting is because she was continuously sexually harassed for an extended period of time. In the case decided September 12, 2017, the…

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